Dave’s Olive Branch
Well, there are signs of progress in the RSS world. Dave Winer has offered an olive branch to the RSS 1.0 group.
<blockquote class="posterous_short_quote">
The goal is to clear up confusion in what RSS means. I make
this offer to show that we're willing to share the pain to help RSS
re-establish a clear identity.
Essentially Dave is proposing that both forks of RSS (RSS 0.92/0.93 and RSS 1.0) are renamed and that
the two groups go their separate ways, one as a simple headline syndication format, the other as
a extendable metadata format.
Reaction on the syndication and rss-dev groups has been mixed, but mostly positive. Dan Brickley expressed his concerns in
<a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rss-dev/message/1992">a posting to the rss-dev list</a>:
We know from the various XSLT experiments that we can
inter-convert between RSS flavours, that 0.93 extensions can be shadowed
by RDF properties, that we can deploy XHTML (eg. the W3C home page) and
use XSLT to aggregate RSS direct from the XHTML doc. I fear that
creating new names for existing and future technology will simply add
more confusion to the mix.
My feeling is that we should look on Dave's offer as a positive gesture and we shouldn't
ignore it. Too much time has been lost and too much confusion sown over the past twelve months.
If you're involved in RSS development in any way, please take time to vote in the
<a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rss-dev/surveys?id=687541">rss-dev poll</a> and express
your opinion. Should we accept the gesture and move on or stay as we are, slowing progress?