<a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/xml/general/disco.asp">Microsoft's Discovery of Web Services (DISCO) Spec</a>
<a href="http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library/ws-ads.html?dwzone=ws">IBM developerWorks: The Advertisement and Discovery of Services (ADS) protocol for Web services</a>
<a href="http://eco.commerce.net/specs/index.cfm">eCo</a>, a distributed approach to service discovery.</li>
eCo takes one step I haven't seen the others take. It's placing a lot of emphasis
on the <a href="http://eco.commerce.net/specs/sem.cfm">semantics of e-commerce markup</a>. To achieve
true interoperability we need more than just discovery frameworks, we need to ensure that the service
descriptions are using compatible terminology. This is the problem I have with
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Web+Services+Description+Language%22" title="Search for more information on Google">G</a>
, it's
not expressive enough. It just lists services and their paramaters. But what do those parameters <em>mean</em>?
For example, in this <a href="http://sal006.salnetwork.com:83/lucin/email/cemail.xml">WSDL description of
an email service</a>, which of the four parameters to the SendAnonymousEmailRequest message expect an email
address and which expects the subject? It's easy if you read English, but I don't know of any automated agents
that do. If I'm a user and my email application has discovered five services that let me send email how will it
automatically be able to fill in the parameters correctly? Adding an email datatype won't help, how will it
distinguish the 'to' address from the 'from' address? This is where all the interesting problems are. Discovery
infrastructure is yesterday's problem.