HTML Link Element

Browser support for the <link> element is very very poor. I'm experimenting with supporting it on the server side for areas of this site that have some kind of sequence, such as the archives. I've modified the HTML stylesheet for this site to present any link elements as text links. If you're using a good CSS compliant browser you'll see the links at the top right of some pages. Other browsers will display them above the main heading.

			Why am I doing this? Well, it should be possible to produce a sitemap by parsing each document
			in the site. Dan Brickley did some work on <a href="">mapping
			the HTML link tags to RDF sitemaps.</a>This could be useful in workgroup situations where multiple people are contributing
			to a website. Maintaining a single sitemap file is hard work in this scenario can become a bottleneck.
			It's decentralization versus centralization.
			More information on using the link tag:
      <a href="">HTML Help entry for &lt;link&gt;</a>
      <a href="">Subotnik: the 'link' element in (X)HTML</a>
      <a href="">alphabetical listing of link types</a>


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